

Various forms of help can be offered around problems with alcohol, other drugs and gambling and we are happy to lend advice and support.

Cervical Smears

Generally, these should be done every three (ages 25–49) or five (ages 50–64) years. A reminder will be sent when your test is due. An appointment can then be made. Your test result will usually be posted to you within 10 weeks. It is quite common for a minor abnormality to require a repeat smear; it is important to attend but we fully understand you will wish to arrange a conversation to discuss this.

The smear test is intended to look for very early signs of cancer of the cervix (the entrance to the uterus or womb), a condition that usually takes many years to develop and is quite easy to treat if found early. For this reason we would encourage all our eligible patients to take up the offer of this free checkup.

Child Health Surveillance

Held weekly by the health visitors on Monday afternoons from 1.00pm until 3.00pm, please call 01709 423333 to book an appointment.  Please do not bring ill children to the clinic as they may pass on infection to others.

Childhood Immunisations

There are now very few reasons why your child should not be immunised, so please make sure your children receive all their injections.

The routine set of immunisations is altered every year or so, but currently involves injections at 2,3,4 months of age, then at 12–15 months and before entry to school. Further boosters are given before leaving school.

You will receive a letter from the Primary Care Trust on each occasion that a course is needed but feel free to check with our nurses, the Health Visitors or School Nurse.

Contraceptive Services and Family Planning

All the doctors are fully trained in this field and can offer advice on all aspects of contraception including cap and coil fitting, morning after pills etc. We choose not to restrict this service to a particular clinic, preferring to offer you consultations during normal surgery hours which ensures confidentiality. Some of the doctors are able to fit long–term contraceptives such as IUD ('coils'). For implanons you will need to ring Integrated Sexual Health on 01709 427777. Sister Sue Kelly also has a special interest in this field which includes "natural" family planning.


Whilst some degree of upset and unhappiness is a natural part of life there are occasions when some specialist input can be of value, and we have a variety of counselling staff attached to the practice.  You can self-refer to the IAPT service 01709 447755 or speak to one of our receptionist who can refer you to our mental health worker. 

Diabetic Care

Dr Thorman with Sister Lyca Downing, Verity Ryczek, Jayne Fields and Karen Weldon run the practice diabetic programme. This aims to provide full diabetic care for uncomplicated diabetics on diet and/or tablets, together with shared care for diabetics with complications or those requiring insulin. Full diabetic care means good day–to–day control of blood glucose and annual screening for complications. If you are diabetic or think you might be, and are not yet in the practice programme, please contact the surgery. 

Ear Care

Our practice nurses have undertaken special additional training in aural care and are able to treat most conditions affecting the external ear. Rotherham's Ear Care Service – a training and teaching organisation – also provides a weekly ear care clinic with specialised nurses. They also take referrals from our clinical team including adult hearing tests and can refer on to the Hospital specialist team. You can contact this service on 01709 304987.

Influenza Immunisation

We offer free 'flu vaccinations, commencing in October, to all our patients over 65 years. Younger patients, particularly those on our registers of heart or chest complaints, and all diabetics, will also be offered the vaccine. The exact list of those invited depends upon Department of Health guidance and can vary from year to year. We try to get the bulk of these injections done on one or two Saturdays in Autumn and are grateful for the efforts and forbearance of those who attend.

Medical examinations

Some of our doctors will do special examinations such as HGV licensing in their own time – see Private Services. A simple 'check–up' or health MOT to look at your general health is best arranged with an initial nurse appointment if you are otherwise well.

Minor Surgery

Dr Grafton performs some minor surgery on behalf of the practice We only have the facilities for the removal of skin lesions, bumps under the skin, and some joint injections. If you think your problem might require a small operation it is probably best to see one of these doctors in the first instance.

Skin Clinic

Dr Grafton also runs a weekly skin clinic with Isobel Melia our physician associate for acne, moles and skin lesions. Please speak to reception for more details.


Our Clinical Pharmacists do a lot of work in the background to support your safe prescriptions. You may get a telephone review of your medicines, where a Clinical Pharmacist will ring you and discuss your medication with you.

First Contact Physiotherapy

The practice has two First Contact Physiotherapists and you can see them for back, spinal, neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee or ankle pain and for Sprains, strains and twisting injury. You can book an appointment through reception.


We also have NHS physiotherapy available at the Kiveton Park Primary Care Centre. The community physiotherapists can visit patients at home who are too ill to attend the surgery. Certain cases may be referred directly to the physiotherapy department at hospital. Appointments are made following consultations with the doctors.


The podiatrist can deal with anything from corns, calluses and nail problems to minor surgical procedures. Self-treatment, using corn pads or solvents, is best avoided as it can cause serious problems in the elderly, diabetics and those with poor circulation.

Podiatry is available from both private practice and the Health Service. Private patients may see the chiropodist of their choice either at his/her surgery, or at home. Health Service treatment is available at both surgeries and at home but is usually restricted to senior citizens, the disabled, expectant mothers, diabetics and children after a variable waiting period and only after referral by a doctor. Our local service) is moving away from simple routine nail care/cutting but has great expertise in some complex areas of foot mechanics and minor foot surgery. Only State Registered Chiropodists may work within the Health Service.

Pregnancy Testing

Pregnancy testing is widely available from chemists and kits may be purchased from chemists and larger supermarkets. We do not routinely offer this service as home testing is just as reliable, considerably quicker and more convenient. If you think you might be pregnant and have concerns please feel free to arrange to see a doctor to discuss things. If you simply need to book for routine pregnancy care you can arrange this directly with the relevant midwife without a doctor appointment.

Social Prescribing - over 18 years of age

Patients can be referred by a clinician or self-refer to our social prescriber.  The social prescriber can support around one or more of the following:  lifestyle, looking after yourself, managing symptoms, work, money, family, friends, feeling positive

Smoking Cessation

If you are a smoker, stopping smoking is the best thing you can do for your health. Giving up will reduce your chances of an early death – one sixth of all deaths between 35 and 64 years are caused by tobacco! Any of our doctors or nurses will be happy to discuss the various ways in which we can help if you are thinking of quitting – patches and other aids are available on prescription. 

Tetanus Immunisation

A tetanus booster is recommended a couple of times after leaving school at 10–year intervals, if in doubt ask one of our nurses. Certain wounds might need some additional cover, again, just ask.